By Anonymous - 28/02/2010 11:16 - Canada

Today, a wild squirrel managed to get into my house. I can't see him… but I can hear him in the walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 150
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bassguitar19 1

IN the walls?!? Wow, sneaky squirrel

jamiebuczko 0

lmfao. pull out the sludge hammer :D

grungecat 0

Why can't this happen to me, or anyone else who would appreciate a squirrel's company?

hahaha this happened to me too. you could hear the little guy everywhere. he eventually poked one of his feet through the wall!!! and my mom taped the hole with scotch tape haha!

doof_fisch 2

Seriously - this can be a dangerous situation. Squirrels will chew on wires, etc., and can cause a fire-risk to your house. We had squirrels get into the attic and we bought some fox urine at Gander Mountain (any sports/hunting store will sell it) and sprayed it in the attic and put some on rags and put them in the attic. We gave it a day or two to make sure they were out of the attic before we sealed up the holes.

redbeater 5

invest in a pellet gun. get that little ****** in the head.

I feel your pain! except this happened to me but with a raccoon (sp?) and he was running around in the roof...

Catch it with a coat and smack it with a hammer!