By Disappointed - 19/02/2014 21:33 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, after 10 months of hard work, it was the opening night of the show I was directing. Everybody loved it, except my mother. She called it the worst thing she'd ever seen. Thanks for the support, mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 992
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deard4 11

At least you still received the support of the crowd! Good job!

Maybe mother doesn't know best this time.


olpally 32

Typical bitch mother. Don't need her approval if everyone else liked it.

I'm sorry your mom was a bitch. I can't imagine living in such a world. I hope one day for your own sake you meet someone else's nice mother and understand that not all of them are terrible people.

BanAnnalee 12

She's obviously too old to understand or crazy.

Maybe she has no taste. Just forget about her OP. If the crowd liked it you did well.

notapotato 12

And the award for the best mom goes to..

Don't listen to your mom because as long as you liked it and had fun that's all that matters. You worked hard to direct it and should be proud if yourself. On the bright side, everybody else loved it!! :D

I'm sure it was somewhat bittersweet for her.

Box0choklitz 8

at least the majority of the people who watched it liked it :)

I'm sure you did a great job, OP! Don't let it get you down. Keep on doing what you do. Seems like your Mom wasn't in MOM mode at all. Her loss! FHL

If everyone else loved it then it was great :D just go focus on that