By btchzloveit - 29/09/2011 12:27 - United States

Today, after 4 months of no family contact while deployed in the military, I receive an email from my mother. Attached was a picture of a toilet full of green shit, with a message from my mom saying, "Seen neon poo before? Thought I would share!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 267
You deserved it 2 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ceilingfans 1

Take that as a challenge. Im sure if you eat enough fruity pebbles your shit will turn rainbow.


that_nerdy_sock 3

Sharing is a good thing depending on what you share :)

ikickgingers 15

Nothing like neon poo to combat home sickness.

Istalkrexgar2000_fml 0

What a bitch. I gladly emailed, called, and anything else I could do to keep in touch when my husband deployed.

juturnaamo 29

My guess is she hadn't written because she couldn't think of anything to she thought of something and went with it.

juturnaamo 29

Why do I get negative votes whenever I say something pro mom? Here's a tip: if your mom never allowed you to be sexually or physically abused, and fed you every day, you have a good mom.

pichan_fml 11

Even people's waste is going high-tech these days lol

Ironripster 0

so much talk about poo makes me wanna drop some neon poo in my shower

winnn_fml 0

Neon poo is amazing. At least your mom can produce one, I dont think my mom can

missy232 0

4months to where you couldn't email/call/skype your family either? I know it's hard when deployed. And neon shit, must be nice to have super powers! Haha. Support to our troops!:)) God bless.