By btchzloveit - 29/09/2011 12:27 - United States

Today, after 4 months of no family contact while deployed in the military, I receive an email from my mother. Attached was a picture of a toilet full of green shit, with a message from my mom saying, "Seen neon poo before? Thought I would share!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 267
You deserved it 2 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ceilingfans 1

Take that as a challenge. Im sure if you eat enough fruity pebbles your shit will turn rainbow.


lmaoatall 6

What the shrek is wrong with her?? DAMN!!!

tomas1482 0

well you at least got a message

Be happy it wasn't a picture od someone TAKING a poo.

That's like a man making love to a dog in a lift : wrong on so many levels!

Sidda92kid 1

Ugh my mom did the same thing to me and my cousin after she ate hotwings. I feel your pain

nattiecakes1 0

Tell them ur looked like that from lack of love from your mother:)))