By Anonymous - 19/11/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, after a long day of cleaning, I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Reaching for what I thought was Pam I coated my bread with spray and put my sandwich in the pan. Pledge makes a great looking sandwich, but the lemony flavor tastes like crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 643
You deserved it 30 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using PAM normally to make grilled cheese. Try some BUTTER, or a butter spread~not aerosolized oil.


Just for the record: Pam= non-stick cooking spray meant to be used on cooking surfaces ONLY. Pledge= fake-lemon smelling cleaning spray, NOT to be used on food products. This guy is clearly an idiot. Who the hell sprays Pam on their bread? Has he ever heard of butter spray? BTW, butter pray comes in a bottle with a spray pump, not an aerosol can.

Agreed, why spray Pam on the bread and not on the pan....

what's with using the word retard? So, she used PAM. Big deal. Calling someone a retard because you think they did something stupid makes you look like the world's biggest tool.

Lady_Cop_89 0

My friend actually did this when she was making eggs........ She couldn't figure out why the entire kitchen smelled like lemons lol

If you actually read the FML you'd see that the OP had just finished a "long day of cleaning," which would probably mean the Pledge was out. That's why he grabbed it instead of the Pam, which is significantly less stupid than keeping cleaning supplies in the kitchen.

I feel your pain! When I was a kid, my Dad once put his hemorrhoid cream in the my toothpaste tube's box. I didn't notice until I started brushing.

YDI for not reading the can before you spray your food with it. Also, how the heck did you come to taste the lemon in the spray? You would think the smell when you sprayed it would have been a dead giveaway. So, now you are 2 times the moron!!!!

kaitlyn3xo 0

your supposed to spray the pan not the bread...

Tinasia 0

I'm guessing your butter is under the kitchen sink?