By Anonymous - 19/11/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, after a long day of cleaning, I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Reaching for what I thought was Pam I coated my bread with spray and put my sandwich in the pan. Pledge makes a great looking sandwich, but the lemony flavor tastes like crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 643
You deserved it 30 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using PAM normally to make grilled cheese. Try some BUTTER, or a butter spread~not aerosolized oil.


I'm waiting for the 'make me a sammich' but with real butter please. xD

lickmyjock 0

I'm gonna stray from the norm and say fyl for tasting pledge, even if you are a moron. just thinking bout it makes me gag. also saying fyl cause karmas a bitch and this is something I would do. one time I made cake. I put some dishwashing liquid in the bowl to get the extra dough off. I then proceeded to go in the drawer to get a spoon and started eating from the bowl. it was horrible and I'll never forget that taste.

Pam is for spraying the pan, genius, but you don't even need that for grilled cheese. The butter or margarine you should have put on the bread would've sufficed. YDI.

iamelrebel 0

you're dumb if you didn't notice the can clearly says PLEDGE and not PAM

956TXking 0

is this the same person who confused "off" for easy off. lol

jw90 18

I'm surprised u had the time to write this considering u should have headed to the doctor the second you knew you devoured the stuff.

thighsofglory 0

Shenanigans. Pledge reeks of fake lemon smell. You'd know right away. Next time clean house, then get high.

I concur. Pledge has a strong odor. He would have noticed as soon as he sprayed it.

ozymandias_fml 0

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Not over the Pledge, but over *trying* to use PAM... That is disgusting.