By Anonymous - 19/11/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, after a long day of cleaning, I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Reaching for what I thought was Pam I coated my bread with spray and put my sandwich in the pan. Pledge makes a great looking sandwich, but the lemony flavor tastes like crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 643
You deserved it 30 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using PAM normally to make grilled cheese. Try some BUTTER, or a butter spread~not aerosolized oil.


bunnysue 0

pledge has a strong scent a spray in a spot can fill the whole room...idk how you missed that. but eew. im sorry you had to taste it.

aoelk424 0

yeah! I mean really, when someone sprays pledge, you can tell they sprayed it. idiot.

WHYYYYYY dont people even try to read labels anymore?

These idiots don't READ CANS OR LABELS, so they wouldn't know that the directions say to coat the pan. Freaking illiterate doofuses... :p

FYI, you're supposed to spray the pan. Not the food.

Why would you keep your cleaning supplies with your food supplies? Way to go!

You know, besides the obvious scent difference, besides the obvious difference in can size and the spray nozzle, wouldn't you think cooking a cleaning spray would produce some pretty noticeable smoke? Oy, I'm glad for my little nonstick, counter-top grill. No butter or anything else needed, just bread, cheese and pretty grill lines. Mmmm

ozymandias_fml 0

That's not a grilled cheese, if you are not using butter. That would be more of a toasted sandwich. Try a little butter, it will make a huge difference.

If you want to be really technical, if you're using butter, you're not grilling, you're frying. I am well aware of the taste difference between a sandwich made with and without butter. I am also aware that my ass needs no extra butter.

ozymandias_fml 0

I am aware that with butter you are frying -- and that is a definitive characteristic of a grilled cheese. It's a bit of a misnomer, much like french fries are not really french.

Slathering it in butter and throwing it in a pan is what people generally equate with a grilled cheese sandwich. But, when you're cooking it in a way that creates actual grill lines on it, I'm going to say that still constitutes a grilled cheese sandwich, especially when the former is, as you say, a misnomer. Either way, this is SO irrelevant to the FML, lol.

this was obviously fake. 1. Who keeps pledge near their food? 2. They said they had been cleaning all day long. Well if they had been cleaning all day long wouldn't it be time for dinner not lunch?

Im_Not_Jimmy 0

Yeah, cleaning suplies rarely taste as good as they smell... LOL!! My suggestion? Make a new sandwich.

After googling both Pledge and Pam... Eugh.