By idiot bro - 06/07/2014 18:04 - United States - Brunswick

Today, after a power outage at my house, my 14-year-old brother was genuinely confused as to why our flashlights still worked if we had no electricity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 752
You deserved it 4 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's not the brightest bulb in the flashlight now, is he.


should have taken advantage of the situation & said that the flashlights 'must've been cursed or haunted considering we live an ancient Indian burial ground.'

It sad that he hasn't heard of batteries before.

Was he high or under the influence of something?

For some reason I get the image of a lightbulb above the brothers head like in the cartoons. Except his is permanently off.

this is a how old is he to really understand this fml as a whole...but it is silly comedy either way haha.

Good point. I wonder how old OP's 14 year old brother is? If only we could read something and find out.

sempisaviour 17

lol... He doesn't realize that batteries don't just die in a power outage? and he's 14?! Oh my god, that is a travesty. I knew this shit when I was 5.

If they are plug in flashlights then it's maybe understandable otherwise I am not sure how that thought crossed his mind

Hiimhaileypotter 52

What's the point of a plug in flashlight? Generally when you need a flashlight there's probably not going to be a working outlet around.

There was a FML where the OP was confused on why she couldn't flush the toilet since the power was out.

I would be too if I'd just moved from city water to well water. If you don't have well water, power being out doesn't matter.

The FML was "My dad took a power outage as an excuse to not flush the toilet". I should've clarified.