By idiot bro - 06/07/2014 18:04 - United States - Brunswick

Today, after a power outage at my house, my 14-year-old brother was genuinely confused as to why our flashlights still worked if we had no electricity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 757
You deserved it 4 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's not the brightest bulb in the flashlight now, is he.


moldypickles 29

As a relatively intelligent woman in her late 20s I can empathize. Sometimes the filter that prevents us from spewing nonsense gets backed up and we say the silliest things. Now if only there were a rewind button.

Not shocking at all ha. Thank you public schools systems

As someone else who lives in Maine, I hope your power is back on by now, that was quite the storm, wasn't it? Though not as bad as we've had before. Hopefully you explained to your brother that a flashlight is battery run X'D. I probably would have laughed and explained, if he was younger than 14 (Maine schools, what have you done?) (least you guys remembered your flashlights, I forgot to change the battery in mine >.>; )

WinterBlue42 22

As another fellow Mainer. . I gotta say, that kid puts us all to shame. I think the school system has beyond failed us. <.< My step sister didn't realize for the longest time that no power meant no TV either.

I agree to that. Plus...I would think it be obvious that if the flashlight turns on while power is out...that there are batteries to run it o_O I never had a flashlight that didn't run off of batteries. Your sister didn't realize...>.< oh dear. Maine. You suck with the schools =_= I'm nearly ashamed to say I'm a Mainah for the education department. WHAT HAPPENED SINCE I GRADUATED!?

TheNiceOne 20

Your brother's not the smartest seed in the watermelon eh?

Looks like his brain doesn't work either.

Well, your explanation is going to rock his world. Get him some science books, OP.

Probably thinks the torch contains magic or something... Don't show him that your charged phone still works too, that'd blow his tiny mind.