By BluBaller - 06/04/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, after about a month with no sex, my girlfriend told me to come up to her room and began kissing me passionately. She got me down to my underwear before informing me that she had Spanish homework left. To make things better, upon finishing up, she went straight to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 721
You deserved it 5 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BadPinkKitty07 0

Spain cockblocked you. hehe.

jamesSIII 0

You should have jizzed on her homework. Oh wait...


ericck 0

lol, 52, I hope none if yall are going to try what 52 said, very funny tho

KittehSayzRAWR 0

So you had sex? I don't why this is an FML

You're a shmuck. You totally deserve this, cause any idiot who stays thru that... well, deserves it!

alfalfa101 0

U know when life gives u lemons y make lemonaid......

jackie_loka 0

#108 that's not what she said in Spanish..

I've spent some time trying to understand the female brain, that being said, I myself am a female and I still do not understand even myself, i.e. pms, power trips, hormones, etc. But in my female opinion, she did it on purpose. It was planned, just to get a tighter grip on your junk.

ninba20 0

y does the 1st 5 comments start with maybe... anyways what did u do to ur gf yhat she womt have sex with u?...

haha. the problem is girls love to tease and guys can't keep it in their pants. oh well!