By Username - 17/07/2011 19:59 - United States

Today, after applying sunscreen to myself every two hours, I still got sunburned. Through my clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 333
You deserved it 4 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yummayy_ 11

You are a little too pale to be going outside, huh? =P


Man, you wouldn't last a day In hell, trying to get back you SOUL!!!!!! :)

depends how thick the clothes were... or how see through, which a majority of girls tend to have nowadays. It's still possible. Explain how it's impossible? I'm a Nurse Practitioner... have been for 11 years.

actually, sunscreen is supposed to be reapplied every 30 mins. It skin will soak most of it in quickly in the sun, along with sweat washing it away

Xxgreenbug29xX 5

Aw man. Sucks for you. :P Good thing i don't sunburn that easily. Come to think of it, i've never gotten sunburned and i'm 14. xD

how the hell have you never been sunburned

ArsenalFan12 0

what were you wearing, a completely black outfit or something? I call emo!!!

That happened to my dad once. He had the pattern of the fabric burnt into his skin. FYI, he has brown hair.