By failureatlife - 27/04/2014 19:16 - United States - Ponchatoula

Today, after beating myself up for being useless and not being able to do anything right, I managed to choke almost to the point of blacking out, on a piece of lettuce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 349
You deserved it 6 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And they say salads are good for you.

chill99 15

Next time, make like a train and chew, chew, chew!

An iceberg sank the Titanic, icebergs have been killing people a lot longer then you've been around. Chin up.

Was it ordered from amazon? :P (Reference to another recent fml)

At least you managed to get an F posted!

pinknicki87 5

The same thing happened to me at a fancy restaurant with my in-laws, except it was a sesame seed. Major fail