By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 09:04 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, after cricket training, the homeless man that lives in the drain next to the nets threw a beer bottle full of piss at me for rejecting him for a date last week. I ducked; it sailed through my car’s open window and smashed all over the seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 314
You deserved it 4 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a great example of a win-lose situation


there's no way to win this... what would you have rather wanted? to be hit in the face with the bottle of piss or to have it hit the car windows that were closed? I'm saying YDI for being so lucky..

dakotahulsey 15

It appears humanity has learned a new stupid trick which henceforth will be referred to as a projectile urine missile.

rikacat 1

YDI for playing cricket in the first place

YeahYeahYeahOK 6

1) Find out where and when he sleeps. 2) Get some friends together with ski masks, socks, and bars of soap. 3) Have a soap party on him. 4) If it sounds harsh, so are STDs...

At least it didn't hit your head! Man that homeless guy is a jerk don't worry about it.

justmeCee 16

Wow...Sorry that happened to you Op. That is disgusting, and I hope you called the police and charged him. FYL

At least the window was open and it didn't smash through the window instead :)