By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 09:04 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, after cricket training, the homeless man that lives in the drain next to the nets threw a beer bottle full of piss at me for rejecting him for a date last week. I ducked; it sailed through my car’s open window and smashed all over the seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 314
You deserved it 4 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a great example of a win-lose situation


Kateymarie41 8

Well at least it didn't hit you?

Dude, thats really nasty. Its never great to be dodging wee.

and im sure throwing a bottle of piss in your car won you over for that date... not...

Epikouros 31

Cricket is so ghetto! You should work on your batting skills, though.

Wait till he's passed out from drinking Lysol, then run a hose from your cars exhaust into his house (drain). Sit back and listen to Some tunes for an hour or two.

bigtaytay 13

That's what you get for playing cricket

Sounds like urine trouble. What a pisser. Don't bottle up your anger though.

Sitting in his dark trench filling bottles with bad intent "Not" has ruined his prose Greasy fingers hurling shabby throw Pee hurtling at my head (duck*) Picking up pieces of his broken luck

Salvation à la mode and a cup of piss?

Aqua flung my friend, travels thru the air uneasy. A poor thrown lob, to he it's only pee.