By mottephobe - 06/11/2015 06:19 - United States - Carlsbad

Today, after days of cleaning out pantry cabinets and throwing away infested food, I thought I had finally gotten rid of my moth problem. Then I vacuumed, and saw several dozen larvae coming out of my carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 331
You deserved it 3 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need an exterminator. That sounds like a pretty bad infestation

Do you happen to live in a cabin in the woods?


I think you need an exterminator. That sounds like a pretty bad infestation

lexiieeex3 32

Throw out the carpet and ******* run.

I would at least be happy it isn't like wasps or spiders or some bug that can actually hurt you.

Aren't you supposed to clean your house on the daily? You slacking.

I clean on the weekly. I try to have a life. I try.

well, it sounds as if you don't really know either. the answer is no, you're not supposed to clean daily.

js I clean monthly im not a slob who has to clean daily

TeacherTeacher 11

Those moths are horrible. After I cleaned, I found some in a sealed tin of tea. Make sure you start putting everything in sealed containers from now on.

Best thing to do is freeze everything you buy for at least a day. I had some come in with some rabbit food, literally nothing is safe, it's awful!

18, or just freeze yourself and tell someone to unfreeze you once moths go extinct.

Do you happen to live in a cabin in the woods?

I find bug bombs work wonders with that sort of thing. Usually gets the job done and a hell of a lot cheaper than an exterminator.

mads_nicole 19

Nope. Burn it. Burn it with fire.

amileah13 26

Burn the house down. That's the only reasonable solution.

MasterTron 24

No don't do that. As someone already pointed out the flames would attract more moths.

how often do you clean that it ended up getting that bad?

that's got to be incredibly frustrating!!! you could try moth balls perhaps? or a bug bomb as suggested earlier. hope you get the issue resolved.