By mottephobe - 06/11/2015 06:19 - United States - Carlsbad

Today, after days of cleaning out pantry cabinets and throwing away infested food, I thought I had finally gotten rid of my moth problem. Then I vacuumed, and saw several dozen larvae coming out of my carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 331
You deserved it 3 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need an exterminator. That sounds like a pretty bad infestation

Do you happen to live in a cabin in the woods?


we have them in our bedrooms from time to time. so dammed annoying. only have had a couple this year. no carpet thankfully. I'd go with bug bombs.

Please get a exterminator as fast as possible because it's going to get so much worse and bombing the house won't be enough

Moth larvae coming out of the carpet? That sounds terrifying! It might be time to call some outside help.

Oh my god, I didn't even realise you could get moth infestations. I'd suggest getting rid of that carpet, go for wood floors or something.

Check the small spaces of all packaging too. Corners and cracks. The little worms hide in there too

I have to stop eating and reading these...

Moths hate cedar wood, you can find cedar chips at most stores. Smell better than mothballs too.

highwayman 9

ummm...that's nasty. you should make an effort to clean more. just sayin...

How the heck do you get them that bad in the first place...? Ew. Extermination is definitely necessary