By mottephobe - 06/11/2015 06:19 - United States - Carlsbad

Today, after days of cleaning out pantry cabinets and throwing away infested food, I thought I had finally gotten rid of my moth problem. Then I vacuumed, and saw several dozen larvae coming out of my carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 339
You deserved it 3 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you need an exterminator. That sounds like a pretty bad infestation

Do you happen to live in a cabin in the woods?


Youre probably going to need to gas the house or call a professional to get rid of the issue Hope it all goes well for you OP

Once they get into the carpets its best to get a professional in to fumigate the place. You can have a clean house and still get infested by carpet moths; you were unlucky.

Ops! I was thinking about upgrading my carpet but no, synthetic it will be!

I suggest an exterminator. They tend to work those kinds of thing out.

BliggityBlop 8

Dude, I'm terrified of moths so I would just burn the house down and cry alone under a bridge.

omg... its horrible...even to think at that :(

cassidi24 10

We've been dealing with them for years at my house! You can clean all you want but they're still going to find a way in. We found throwing everything away and bleaching our cabinets, pantry, and washing the walls helps a lot. Sorry you have to deal with them too :(