By marquez_jasmine - 21/07/2012 15:08 - Canada - Kingston

Today, after feeling a little down about myself and looking for comfort from my boyfriend, he told me that my stretch marks make me look like a tiger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 481
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why this offends you, tigers are bad ass.

maybe tigers are his favorite animal..?(:


I live stretch marks on a woman I think it's super sexy your boyfriend is lame

I feel you op.. Stretch marks suck shit but pretty much every girl gets them in some place or another

You're boyfriend jacked that from Katt Williams

Your only a real woman, once you've earned your stripes.

TriflingAllDay 6

I think you should use your stretch marks as a basis for starting your full body tiger tatoo. After this transformation is complete you will succeed in pleasing your boyfriend.

Your a tiger that's earned her stripes!

Maybe he was trying to make you smile, perk you up. Don't be too harsh on him!

At least he didnt say you are awoman disgusting cow . As a man I can see where he was coming from. I know when my girlfriend is having a bad day I try to joke around and make herto smile. Sometimes we just joke about the wrong things. Just be happy that you have a man that obviously does not mind.your stretch marks

Steel_BZ 8

Like Katt Williams said: stretch marks mean you were either small & got big OR was big & got small.. Either way, they want you!!