By marquez_jasmine - 21/07/2012 15:08 - Canada - Kingston

Today, after feeling a little down about myself and looking for comfort from my boyfriend, he told me that my stretch marks make me look like a tiger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 481
You deserved it 3 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure why this offends you, tigers are bad ass.

maybe tigers are his favorite animal..?(:


That's a good thing, why would you take that as an insult? Stretch marks are a beautiful thing. He was probably trying to compliment you since you were feeling down. This shouldn't be an fml.

Stretch marks are moreeee than good- THEY'RE GREAT!!!! ~Tony the Tiger

This is him making up for not noticing your last haircut.

That could either be really good or really bad, depending what his opinions is on tigers.

I always thought that it was a compliment, tigers are bad asses...

nela25 23

Tigers are awesome! Plus it reminds me of the frosted flakes commercial :p

At least he said they look like something cool!

Tigers are awesome but that is funny u look like tiger that is just classic.

KiddNYC1O 20

Run, sentence, runnn! Haha.