By Noj12345 - 25/06/2009 08:05 - United States

Today, after finishing work, my friend was having a party next door and my driveway was blocked. I parked 6 houses down and went to the party for 20mins. After coming out after 3 beers, I went to move my car back to my house and go to sleep. I got a DUI for driving 30 feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 293
You deserved it 57 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You drank 3 beers in 20 minutes and then decided to get behind the wheel? YDI, even for 30 feet.

Should've left your car there and walked home.


raspackman 0

it's still drunk driving. ydi

jjames67 4

did anyone think that maybe the cops knew about the party, and maybe, just MAYBE made OP take a breathalyzer test before ticketing him? just saying.

Well, I would say dont drink n drive(: Thats way bogus though, I mean 30 ft, really? You shouldnt get a dui for that. But if your house is that close you shoulda walked

Yeah the cops are scum, any chance they get

really? so a law that is in place to keep people safe shouldn't be enforced according to you? I hope one day a cop is there when you need it so you can understand that their job sucks ass and they have to deal with twerps like you who don't respect them doing their ******* jobs. Laws are there for a reason and cops are there to make sure people follow them. They also are there when emergencies occur, to help keep people safe, and they get shot at. Yeah, there are douches in the profession, just like in every other ******* job field.

6 houses down is only 30 feet? Damn, that must be some small houses.

Fortitudine 3

YDI, you should've walked home instead, if it was only 30 feet. If you couldn't even think of that as an alternative, you were probably more than buzzed. You know it's illegal to drive with alcohol in your system.

thecornmast3r 3

What if he couldn't leave his car there though?

cuddlebunny3548 11

You def could have left that there for the night

The biggest driveway iv seen was 4km on a property in west QLD, where btw 3 beers shouldn't put you over the limit let alone get you drunk. I don't know about this one, sounds like a shitty cop but either way YDI for getting caught in the first place