By Claire - 19/01/2013 13:51 - United States - Parkville

Today, after getting into an argument with my dad, he told me that I would make a great ex wife one day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 218
You deserved it 7 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he thinks you'll be great at something?

Tell him he will make a great estranged father.


You should put that in your wedding vows...

jujubunni5 9

About 49% of people in America get divorced, if you live here he may be right! And on the bright side he could have said you'll make for a creepy phycso ex wife that ends up stalking your ex husband. Hahah (:

That's actually not true, according to Dr. Phil the divorce rate in America is around 36%, not that that really gives us much more hope for humanity.

perdix 29

#60. I think you are actually both right, but you are talking about two different numbers. About half of all marriages end in divorce, but people who get married and divorced multiple times skew the statistics. Dr. Phil's number demonstrate that the majority of people who get married stay married for life. When you've got Britney Spears and the Kardashians running around, you can see how the two statistics can co-exist.

wagne057 6

Wake him up with a freshly cooked breakfast and coffee. Just don't take it further to prove how good a wife you'll ake.

So your idea of a good wife is basically a live in maid who waits on the man? I'm confused, because they say society is progressing yet people like you still run rampant.

If you don't want to become an ex wife, then don't marry a stubborn bastard who you can't stand... in other words, don't marry someone like your dad. FYL

U_GotitDude 18

I can't understand how a father can say this to his daughter, no matter how much of a shit she's acting like. My children are the most important people in my world (next to Mrs. Bastard), and my job is to love and support them so they grow up to be good people. I know kids act like idiots sometimes (I know I sure did), but no one deserves this.

wish I could say you were right I have to blackmail my mom for her tax forms so I can have financial aid instead of having poor grandpa pay with whom she dumped at 15 once the mental hospitals stopped taking me cause they clued in on the fact she just wanted to get rid of me

holy ******* shit 22, I have no right to complain about my parents anymore. thank you.

TheDrifter 23

I thought my parental duty was to ensure their good behavior by any means necessary. Maybe I owe an apology for a decade of scaring them into compliance. Now to decide how to give it without them realizing I'm a big softie and it's all been a sham.

11- are you related to Lisbeth Salander by by any chance?

How old are the offspring, Doc? Now that middle child is well into his teens I have to expend quite some energy trying not to return the soul-crushing zingers he's so keen to deal out. The warm fuzzies you describe feel like they're buried in some desert site awaiting an archeologist's attention in my world!

If the OP really is as selfish and vindictive as her dad seems to imply, then maybe she ought to be called out on her behaviour. Teaching prosocial values is always a good idea. ...Of course, I don't have kids, so take my opinion with salt.

He could say it as a warning. Being nice to kids is sometimes a good thing, but if you're too nice to them, you'll spoil them, probably ruining their lives in the process.

Would your kids be little Bastards? :o

He's probably just mad because you won the argument.

Well, hopefully someday you'll prove him wrong, OP.

welllllll...lets try if your dad is true or not...:P