By Claire - 19/01/2013 13:51 - United States - Parkville

Today, after getting into an argument with my dad, he told me that I would make a great ex wife one day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 218
You deserved it 7 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he thinks you'll be great at something?

Tell him he will make a great estranged father.


Duh he's trying to teach you something !!

If you really want to get back at him, just go through your life as you normally would. When/if you decide to get married, and your fiance is asking your parents' permission to marry you, tell them to make a point to only ask your mother, not your father. Also, when you send out invitations, make a point to address the invitation only to your mother. Don't invite him. Choose someone else to walk down the aisle with, even if he shows up anyways, and return any gifts with his name on them (if he wont take them back, return them to the store and send the money back instead. If THAT doesn't work, donate them, and get receipts saying you donated them, and mail a copy to him). Of course, you could also just get over it and forgive him. Depends on how bad of a father he is, which I can't tell from a single FML story...

And he won't follow tradition and pay! Idiot

I didn't realize it was tradition for fathers to pay for weddings. What a stupid tradition.

kglo 7

Sometimes fathers act like children if they lose an argument. My father and I had an argument once and he told me I was just like my mother. To him, that's a low blow because she divorced him. Don't take it to heart op. It was a dick move on his part but prove him wrong one day and become a wonderful wife in a lasting marriage.

Thus is by far the best FML I've read over the years

If you're that much of a twat, your future husband might say that, too.

That's a terrible thing for a dad to say! I just thought of an equally low comeback you could have said back, but I'm not going to post it cause it's too mean.

lisaroxmysoxx 16

A friend of mine used to say that I would be his future ex wife. Lol.