By Mini-wanker - 18/10/2011 17:34 - United States

Today, after having had sex with my girlfriend for the first time the night before, she went to the doctor. He said she's still physically a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 554
You deserved it 8 871

Same thing different taste


ilikeemsmall 4

I find it really funny that girls with big **** and guys with big dicks act like they did something special to deserve it or that it somehow makes them better. It's a physical property like height. It's genetics. Some people will like you no matter what you have or don't have.

Yeah this is fake, there is no medical way to tell if someone is a virgin or not. And if you think "oh he didn't pop her cherry", guess what most teens do when they go thru their peroid when they put their tampons in. FACTS OF LIFE

raccoons1106 0

Good lukk with others try some growth pills(:

ash1rose 11

This is actually not that uncommon. Some girls have really thick hymens that just don't break the first time or they stretch. It's not really a failing on your part OP and at least you know you weren't too rough with her :) She should appreciate that!

Nothin like sex-ed, with mom to make ya flash back to the 80's!!

And didnt quit to play video games, sometimes i question the reality of fml's!

You sir, lack length and apparently width as you neither popped not stretched her. FYL and FY genetics

uummmmm,, I'm wiling to bet your a virgin as well...