By JohnyP - 09/07/2011 07:04 - United States

Today, after having my car been broken into the day before because I didn't lock it, I made sure I locked my doors. When I got off shift and entered the parking lot, I noticed a brick had been thrown through my windshield and a note that said, "Nice Try". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 495
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awesome, you got a free brick. Just kidding, that does suck op. I suggest you cut your losses and hide your kids, your wife and your husband



what is in your car that is that valuable that he keeps breaking in?

el_paso_guy89 0

Go back on your day off. Park in the same spot. Hide under your car. When the perpatrator returns, taze him in the junk.

Chrispayne 4

Wire it to a bomb,so when they get n it tomorrow u wont have to deal with thwm anymore. U can say vandels did it but this time thank god they messsed up ir it would of been u

you should hide by your car with a baseball bat :D

Lazcouchtater 4

I take it you work somewhere which has a big enough parking lot and so few windows that you can't witness this happening so that pretty much narrows it down to... Wal-Mart. If this is the case, there should be security cameras on the light poles and you'll likely find they caught your brick throwing bandit.

Lol? Maybe OP parks her car in a parking lot in the city, and then walks to work.. How do you automatically assume it's Wal-Mart? I'm sorry, but your comment just really made me laugh from its lack of logic.

seligman103 0
carnage1108 0

if you didn't lock it, it wasnt broken into

Wait for him to try again. Hide by your car with a brick. When you see him, throw the brick and hit him in the face. Leave a note on his forehead that says, "Nice Try".

How do break into an unlocked car? by opening the door?! Sucks and hope you catch them!

damnstraight7 0

buy brick proof windows and see if they still it then. It sounds like its a fun challenge game