By sister sister - 25/11/2013 17:38 - United States - Rhinebeck

Today, after having some drinks at the club, I went home with this awesome girl. When I woke up, I thought the house looked really familiar. It belonged to my ex's younger sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 883
You deserved it 19 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keeping it in the family? lol you must know exactly what you like in a woman if 2 of them are so alike they're sisters...

I wish you very good luck at breakfast.. especially when the family is all together


You'd think you'd have recognised it from the outside... although I suppose the houses on some estates do look similar. I don't reeeeally see the big deal with sleeping with your ex's sister though, unless you only broke up last week.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

He probably didn't recognize the outside because he was shit-faced drunk.

RedPillSucks 31

What's going to really bust your gut is "Which one did you actually sleep with?"

Swapped the other for a younger version eh? You sly dog.

It's your ex's sister. As far as I know, it's not cheating, so I don't see what the problem is.

if she knew it was her sisters ex its considered betrayal

@91, it also shows what kind of person he is

perdix 29

It might work out better with Daughter 2.0. Usually the 1.0 version is just a buggy beta shipped by devs that don't know what they're doing, and work out the kinks on later releases. Yes, I'm a first-born. Why do you ask?

Sometimes the update isn't as good as the original.

perdix 29

#51, yeah, there are times you are right. I need to tell my little brother about Windows 8!