By Anonymous - 19/09/2010 01:57 - United States

Today, after lunch with my frail, disabled, 87-year-old father, I reached into my purse for lipstick. I didn't recognize the cute cylinder I pulled out, but thinking it was a flashlight, I pressed the little button, spraying my dad and myself in the face with pepper spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 591
You deserved it 36 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what do you mean you didn't recognize it. it was in YOUR purse which would mean YOU put it in there which means YOU should know what it is. I don't understand how you didn't recognize it.

lionandthelamb61 9

idiot. how would you no know that wa in there?


Wait... YOU had pepper spray in YOUR handbag, yet you didn't recognise it? How would you think it's a torch? I've never seen a pepper spraycan, but I imagine it doesn't have a lightbulb or LEDs in it which a torch does.

jonnyplayzaguita 0
seximexi911 10

that sucks btw it's good u got sprayed now u won't use it without restraint ( if evr needed) XD

1)Why the hell do girls keep retarded shit in their purses: pepper spray..a little over protective and a thinking you'd have a flashlight in! 2)Why, when wanting to put on lipstick would you get distracted and decided to shine a flashlight into your 87yr old frail, disabled father??

You are an hysteric idiot! Hysteric for carrying that around, seriously, WTH girl?! And I think the moronpart speaks for itself...

How do you not know what a flash light looks like? Why did you try to turn said "flash light" in yours face? Why did you grab a "flash light" looking for lipstick?

Meesersuperman1 4

And I guess you think and describe cylinders as cute.