By dino317 - 27/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, after many weeks of talking to this guy over the phone for hours on end and establishing that we both had feelings for the other, we met in person. He saw me, got an "emergency text," and hasn't talked to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 141
You deserved it 5 533

Same thing different taste


Think positive. Maybe he's too embarassed and shy because he thinks you're out of his league. :) Or maybe it was genuine, like his dad choking on a pretzel. :D In the latter case perhaps he's overseas taking his dad to a pretzel choke specialist clinic.

one_eyed_panda 0

It's because you're a fatty. Sorry, despite all of our great conversations on the phone I just can't make a commitment to someone who could roll over and kill me in my sleep.

one_eyed_panda 0

I'm an endangered species, why would I risk my own personal extinction?

one_eyed_panda FTW! You are now the Dragon Warrior!

perdix 29

If you are not getting the point via prose, let me give it to you in the form of a high-school cheer: U-G-L-Y You ain't got no alibi You ugly Hey, hey You ugly I don't know what you told this guy about your looks, but you must have fallen far short of what you said you were. I always downplay my looks so when women do finally meet me, I get a "Not bad" or an "Eh."

how do u develop feelings for someone over the phone?

evolutionsfox 0

Hey, being single is the way to go. trust me.

aliciaann29 0

he probably sucked in bed anyways :)

blademaster23 0

thats y u dont do online dating u fat ulgy ****!

#24. Females do that all the time too. Not just guys. Hell, most females judge by looks more than personality than guys do. I mean how many times have I heard of a female saying she won't date this guy because he doesn't look like Edward Cullen and can't forget the "OMG EDWARD CULLEN IZ SO HOT!!"

perdix 29

Or we get kicked to the curb because we don't look like Mick Jagger.

Diannaa 0
Maht_fml 0