By Anonymous - 28/08/2015 06:39 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, after missing college for a week due to illness, I found out my "friends" were bullshitting me about us having to write an important no-extension Biology essay. Copious amounts of my sweat, snot and tears went into that desperation-fueled nightmare. Thanks, dickheads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 023
You deserved it 2 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here is what you should do... Go to the teacher/professor and explain what your friends did. Show them your essay and how hard you worked on it. Then ask them if they will help you to get your friends back by assigning the same essay to them.

heftysmash253 6

If anything you have prepared yourself for future tests or papers and could possibly use that same paper for a different assignment. Writing things out always helped me study for things. Although I would also be pissed if my friends did that.


If you explain it to your teacher s/he might let you submit it anyways for extra credit

and that my friend, are what real friends do!

I gotta good idea, why not ask your professor to assign them an essay that's 10x more difficult than the one they made you do

What a-holes. You should listen to the comments here and ask for it to be made extra credit. I'm sure your professor would understand if you explained it the right way.

katachristic 19

You should have asked the professor for clarification on the essay no extension policy. You can always go over their heads to the Dept chair for a medical reason if they refuse to cooperate.