By loving grandaughter - 27/11/2010 11:28 - United States

Today, after months of cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my husband's grandmother due to her getting a hip replacement, I overheard her calling me a whore over the phone from the next room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 953
You deserved it 2 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you spit in her food next time. Or maybe put some "white substance" on the plate, who knows where it could have come from, you are a ***** after all...


Is there any chance that she might be senile, or suffering from some kind of age-related dementia? If so, you have to consider that she doesn't have the control over her words, actions, or even emotions that she might have otherwise. If that's the case, don't take her hurtful comments personally. Just know that she isn't herself and in other circumstances, she would be very sweet and thankful for your help. However, if this isn't the case, you are completely within your rights to stop cooking for her and limit your contact with this ungrateful woman.

Sure hope you'll stop cooking for her, if she's ungrateful

Well, maybe if you weren't such a *****...

Wow. How ungrateful, and just after Thanksgiving! YLS.

KittehSayzRAWR 0
ItsJustMak 0
Leashaness 5

Break the bitch's other hip! And kick her outta your house! Old hag should be stuck in a home!

carathemermaid 3

Wow, I hope she doesn't live with you. If not I'd tell her I'm done cooking for your ungrateful ass. If so, tell your husband to hire a nurse it's not your responsibility anymore.

abbeymcnally 0

You should make alphabet soup and spell out, "From the *****."

wait until the hip is replaced and then down the stairs she goes!