By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 00:34 - United States - Columbus

Today, after months of dinners, coffees, drinks, and a few nights together, the girl of my dreams told me about this awesome guy she met yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 556
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her about the awesome girl you met (insert date you met here) and wait for her to realize you mean her


Might be worth a shot to let her know how you feel about her straight up, might help you get that weight off your chest, because clearly she either doesn't seem to have gotten it by this point or was clearly messing with you. Sorry bro.

Whip out your dick and tell her, "You gonna learn today". XD

Wow!!!! Free drinks and food for a month. You a coupon or something?? Speak up man.. FYL

Maybe the girl was paying or they split it. Why do people assume the guy always pays for everything?

KVKdragon 26

Societal stereotypes and gender roles. Like how "emasculating" it is for a man to be unabashed with his emotions. It's half of why my own father doesn't consider me a man. I'm not afraid to embrace my emotions, express my emotions, and care about other people's/my own emotions (all within reason, of course). The other half is that I don't fit his repressive boring mold of adulthood. But I really don't care. I define what is masculine and mature for me lol (even though masculinity and femininity are merely sociological constructs)

Months without making a move, means you are already in the friend-zone.

show some respect for our brother in the friend zone

That is a normal catalyst that a girl would do, for you to make a move. She is waiting for you and so anxious to have you in bed with her. Just tell her that you LOVE her, and that she is the dream of your life (even it wasn't true). If she rejects, then go to plan B. Plan B: Make her fall in love with you, and then dumb her big time (break her heart, and don't be weak) :D

temmera 16

This is just really bad advice.

#17 You must really love high school movies..

nitrog100 21

By "a few nights together", it is implied that you did the horizontal monster mash. If that's the case, it seems that you were more or less together. Either she's seriously clueless, or she was giving you a hint.

or you know, maybe women can have causal sex too for their own pleasure with out wanting a relationship. Just a thought.

If you're a grown man still complaining about the friend zone, you deserve to be single .

I agree with #19, it sounds like they slept together, in which case she's pretty harsh to do this. If you sleep with someone more than once you should really clarify what kind of relationship you actually have with each other. Fyl OP

Awww. I feel you, OP. Something similar happened with me yesterday. :(