By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 00:34 - United States - Columbus

Today, after months of dinners, coffees, drinks, and a few nights together, the girl of my dreams told me about this awesome guy she met yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 556
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her about the awesome girl you met (insert date you met here) and wait for her to realize you mean her


Mochionnaa96 2

you should tell her how you feel..duh...

Tell her how you feel. If she ends things, then there's someone out there for you better than her and you should cut your losses now, even though it may well suck and hurt to do so. Maybe she's met her "dream guy" or maybe she's trying to make you jealous and gauge your reaction. Perhaps she feels the same way. Don't know if you don't try. Follow up, please?

You have to make a move buddy. Not just casually go places. You were touching her during said dates right? not taking her out and expecting her to kiss you? because if you never touched, its quite possible she assumed you were just being friendly.

Don't stress over it too much...there probably is someone better out there for you

So being a nice person automatically means she has to date you?

Drop her like a hot potato - no contact whatsoever, even if she initiates. She's been using you for the emotional companionship. Sorry, dude.

"Using you for the emotional companionship?" That's called being a friend, you ******* idiot.

Only if she's been paying for her own food, drinks and coffee.

I pick up tabs for my friends now and then. And they do the same for me. Paying for a meal doesn't mean she's using him. I'm sure she's not that desperate and hungry for food that she needs a guy to pay. HE chose to offer. She doesn't owe him anything.

Been there. But the fact is that buying shit and having casual sex is not a shield you can hide behind to protect yourself from expressing your real feelings. If you haven't explicitly communicated with her about your wants and the status of your relationship, you can't get mad about her not taking it as seriously as you. If she's not your girlfriend, she's not your girlfriend.

nana_88 10

Why haven't you told her that you liked her all through this period???