By Anon - 23/06/2014 23:13 - United States - Denton

Today, after nearly a year of being stalked, harassed and even terrorized, the police finally found out who my stalker was. It was my 19-year-old son, who thought it would be a fun prank to pull. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 962
You deserved it 5 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This needs a follow up. I wonder how he is going to be punished

Hpixiee 23

This is disturbing, especially the fact he went on with this messed up prank for so long


RedPillSucks 31

Your prank, in return, is to press charges and not bail him out of jail.

Cut him off and he'll see how fun pranks are!

nachosbabygurl 9

I agree your son has a lot of time on his hands I think it's time to start looking for a job as well as a therapist.

MegroKitty 8

Learn to be a good parent. If you were a good mom, for one he would be too scared to do that and second, he would actually like you enough to not terrorize you.

If I could down vote this comment more than once, I would. What a stupid thing to say #48. If the boy has underlying issues, no amount of good parenting can fix psychopathy. It doesn't mean that he doesn't fear or respect his parents. A normal person would see the harm they are causing and would stop the "prank."

RedPillSucks 31

There are lots of good parents who have bad/questionable relationships with their children. It's not always the parents fault that kids do stupid or bad things. Sometimes kids are just stupid or bad and no amount of good parenting will change that.

QueenofWheels 13

Your son has issues. I'm not sure if he needs jail, intense psychotherapy, or both. Stalking is NOT a prank, and someone needs to drill that into his tiny brain.

How about he can pay for the rest of his college as his punishment?

TheSofaKing 7

Send him to jail and let Bubba stalk him in the prison shower

he needs counseling if he thinks that is funny.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Your son needs a serious evaluation.

Your son needs therapy. Now!!!! What a loon. Harassing his own mother like that. Make sure you lock your house at night. You never know what he might do next. I hope you are ok.