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Who? What?

By Female - 22/01/2013 23:16 - Australia - Elsternwick

Today, the police arrived at my door, telling me my child had been caught vandalizing. A boy who looked about 15 hugged me and said, "Hey, mum." I'm only 26 years-old and had never seen this boy in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 883
You deserved it 2 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the police that, so that they can take him to his real home and family.


Tell the police that, so that they can take him to his real home and family.

Psssht. Nah, leave them to figure it out.

Yeah, go along with it. Be like, "Ricky, you scamp. Get in here." Then when the cops leave tell him you'll turn him in of he doesn't pay you every week.

Well you should ground his ass, that'll teach him to not show up at your doorstep.

oj101 33

Victoria, Australia? Was the 15 year old guy one of the Janoskians? They do stuff like that - being public nuisances.

Reminded me of Angelina Jolie's movie "Changeling"

My guess is that the real fml is not this 15 yr old kid saying he's her son, but the cops believing the kid while op is 26... therefore the cops must think she looks a little over 26

This sounds like the first episode of Once Upon a Time...

Did you play along or send him to the fryer where he deserves to be?

strawberrywine22 30

But where's the fun in that? Much better to cover for the kid, gain his trust, obtain actual address, and blackmail him!

24-Yep it's so much more fun to go to jail for black mailing children. *clap clap clap*

47. #24 was obviously being sarcastic...

OP: I will show you some ID that I am only 26! Cop: Gasp! You naughty girl, having sex at 11 years. We're taking you to the slammer!

bahaha faking addresses. I bet he faked his name too, who wants to get caught, he was probably really scared.

strawberrywine22 30

I hope if he faked his name he at least came up with something good. My kid brother got caught selling cigarettes to middle schoolers and his fake name ended up being Hancock Rugby, a combination of the poster in the store window next to him and the street sign.

21 - There are more dangers than just your name sounding silly. There's a chance of faking your name via your surroundings going horribly horribly wrong, as a certain Pea-Tear Griffin can attest to.

little_sailor 8

I'm naming my child Hancock Rugby.

EnigmaThe321 12

Well, the stork was just a tad bit late. Surprise!

GhostDuck 30

More like early, OP's only 26. Clever boy, faking addresses. Did you play along OP?

You should have played along with it. Would make for a good story. Lol

Good thing this kid has his head straight half the parenting is done for you!

irishpassion16 6

I hate it when FML's leave you wondering what happened next! This is one of those FML's.

strawberrywine22 30

That's why I love it when the authors give feedback! Hopefully she does, this has got humorous potential!

Me too! I rlyy want to no what happened

strawberrywine22 30

The doting auntie in me would have played along to keep him out of trouble, but the soon-to-be mama in me would have played along and beat his ass for the vandalism and the lying! Okay, perhaps that's a bit harsh. Probably just have a few choice words for him while turning him over to his real parents.

No, not a bit harsh at all! In fact, that sounds exactly what a good mother should do.

conholio33 28

Did you tell the cops that he wasnt your kid.... They should deal with it if he isnt your kid and take him home where he belongs