By Anonymous - 17/08/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, after running late for work, my boss called me into his office and asked me why I was wearing a uniform shirt that said Amanda. My name is Rob. Amanda is my fiancé, who works for the same organization at a different location. Employees are prohibited from dating each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 516
You deserved it 18 548

SoonFired tells us more.

SoonFired 0

Wow, my first FML post. It's actually a government organization, dating is prohibited because of "Conflict of Interest." We are close to the same size physically. We both wear the middle of road medium size. In all reality, its our last names on the shirt, but it still sucks.

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

Even when they work in different locations? Thats odd.

ckh 0

that's stupid, IMO. your workplace should have no say in your personal life, assuming your personal life doesn't interfere with your work.


Can't date each other?! What the **** kinda company do you work for?! Omni Fascist Corporation?

1.) I'm a 6ft female that wears a size 8 in pants and a medium in shirts... my husband is 6'1 and wears a 32x34. I fit his clothes and I'm sure if he tried on mine, they'd fit just fine. Neither of us are fat so for someone to assume she's fat or he's anorexic, well, your IQ is clearly not above f'ing room temperature. No one knows what profession they hold; is it not possible for Amanda to want to feel comfortable at her job, leading her to possibly wear one size larger in her shirts? So let's say she wears a size L in her work shirts... that doesn't make her fat, nor does it make the OP anorexic. Common sense isn't so common anymore but sweet **** people, at least TRY to use your brains! 2.) To the OP, my natural reaction would be to tell your company to pack sand for having such a ludicrous policy. However, you may not get good results lol. Perhaps you can convince your boss that you and Amanda use the same dry cleaners and they got the shirts mixed up?

So what you're saying is that it would be much more logical for people to assume that his fiance' is a 6' tall woman one who believes that the reality of the world, irregardless of facts and stats and "averages", is exactly the same as the immediate reality she lives in? You also mentioned something about an IQ over room temperature. Best you turn that thermostat up quick Alice before your nipples freeze off.

"Irregardless" is not a real word. **** wit.

caticaticati 3

It's in the dictionary on my laptop.

Websters online says it is indeed a word. Although your use of the phrase "**** wit" intriques me, I am going to go with the industry standard this time.

'Intriques' is definitely not a word. Also, if you look closely in the dictionary you'll find it says 'non-standard' or 'incorrect' in the annotations for irregardless. Some dictionaries even advise 'Use 'regardless.''

Tell him you two are friends or something... it's reasonable enough, I think. And a lot of companies have policies like this...

To Romex: No, what I'm saying is that it is overly possible that the two of them wear similar sized clothing, ultimately making her not fat and him not anorexic. Your attempt to overshaddow the obvious really shows your spot in the world. Go find a rock to crawl under.

Amanda is a common name. If you two are at different locations how would he know that she is an Amanda employed by the same company? Seriously. Idiot.

urlifeisfucked_fml 0

You're the idiot. They work for the same company so the uniforms are going to be the same.

your girlfriend is so fat you can fit into her shirt?

Prawn_fml 2

To #73, Umm don't know about "overshadowing" I'm sure it's something you say to make yourself feel more superior. Anyways, oh frigid IQ one. Again, we should assume, like you have stated twice now, that they are of both normal weight. Really, you are bashing people for assuming that someone, might just maybe, possibly be overweight? Hmm,,,, I can see how that would be a stretch for us. And lighten up a bit and have some fun.... I don't think anyone is really here for such seriousness.

kellster 2

Well, I guess you shouldn't have been dating someone from your organization, then. Seems pretty obvious. Or one of you should have found a new job.

How on earth can a company legally prohibit co-workers from dating each other?

Because in a country where organized labor has been nearly totally crushed, corporate power runs rampant. The distinction between employee and slave is getting blurrier all the time. But on a lighter note, the solution to Rob's problem is simple. Tell the boss that he is not DATING Amanda, she is just his "**** Buddy." I don't know any corporate policy that specifically mentions "**** Buddies" or "Friends with Benefits."

Who knows... it's probably just a Cover Your Ass rule so that the company minimizes risk of sexual harassment lawsuits. I do find it odd that they would care now that you're engaged.