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By Anonymous - 17/08/2009 17:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went with my girlfriend to her ex-boyfriend's house party. She got incredibly drunk and I spent the whole night looking after her when she was throwing up. In the brief moment before she passed out she said "thanks Matt, you're a great boyfriend." Matt is her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 472
You deserved it 6 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God I hate that excuse. It is NOT a truth serum. It does leave you a little uninhibited and you can sometimes say truthful things, but if you take everything a drunk person says a "the whole truth" or whatever you are clearly a moron. Alcohol in my experience makes people mix things up more than it is a "truth serum." I would guess that she said "Matt" more because it was his party, and less because she still has feelings for him. Is there a possibility she does? Sure, but I wouldn't bet on it. /rant


YDI for letting ANYONE get drunk under your watch. Idiot.

she was drunk.. what you were doing was helpful and since she was drunk she thought your name was matt duhh

FallenNevermorE 0

#43 lol I hope you're being sarcastic

she was drunk and in matts bathroom give her a break

Few years late, but he shouldn't have left, she just got the names confused, it isn't like she's still in love with him

cyamour 0

Alcohol is a truth serum, she obvs still has feelings for her ex.

God I hate that excuse. It is NOT a truth serum. It does leave you a little uninhibited and you can sometimes say truthful things, but if you take everything a drunk person says a "the whole truth" or whatever you are clearly a moron. Alcohol in my experience makes people mix things up more than it is a "truth serum." I would guess that she said "Matt" more because it was his party, and less because she still has feelings for him. Is there a possibility she does? Sure, but I wouldn't bet on it. /rant

sublime93 0

I agree with #8, she was drunk so she just mixed up who's party it was, with her current boyfriend. People mix up what they mean all the time when they're drunk, they don't always spit out the truth.

xloadedxx 0

please stop acting like your a know-it-all when it comes to being drunk. it makes me feel bad for you.

Man, I meant to put a thumbs up for #8 but I accidentally put the thumbs down :(

Well if she has just broke up with her ex then probably she still has some feeling for him!

No, it's GOOD for you. You want her to associate HIS name with vomiting instead of yours. While she was passed out your should have left her a pearl necklace or another reminder of what you expected during the course of the evening.

geetface 0

Women can't even remember how to cook and clean properly, now we expect them to remember our names?

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123sploosh 0

person1233 YOU ARE MY HERO please find me, bind me, and marry me

123sploosh 0

awww really? when and where?

_electricbonbon 0

That'd be cool if your name was Albert.

Dude so what? now you have something on her , that´s ...almost a good thing . You can use it later on in your relationship , u know .. .

yea, that will make that relationship work!!!.... not