By Anonymous - 17/08/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, after running late for work, my boss called me into his office and asked me why I was wearing a uniform shirt that said Amanda. My name is Rob. Amanda is my fiancé, who works for the same organization at a different location. Employees are prohibited from dating each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 517
You deserved it 18 548

SoonFired tells us more.

SoonFired 0

Wow, my first FML post. It's actually a government organization, dating is prohibited because of "Conflict of Interest." We are close to the same size physically. We both wear the middle of road medium size. In all reality, its our last names on the shirt, but it still sucks.

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

Even when they work in different locations? Thats odd.

ckh 0

that's stupid, IMO. your workplace should have no say in your personal life, assuming your personal life doesn't interfere with your work.


uberkrissy 0

Better question: Why is your fiance the same size as you? Oh, BTW, just say she's your cousin or something and you were staying with her.

triplethreat13 0

you and your fiancée are the same size?that's...a little weird. but the reason employees aren't allowed to date is because if something happens and they have a hard breakup, it could affect their ability to work together. so if you work at different locations, the rule typically wouldn't apply.

Holy balls some people here are ******* stupid. Chicks have these things called **** that kind of take up space in a shirt that on a guy, would just sag. And again, work uniforms are loose and not really meant to be shapely. So, unless she is miss petite and he's a linebacker like I am sure 99 percent of the people here will say they are, they can very well fit in each others clothes. Dumbfucks.

I have this same problem...except me n my boyfriend work at the same store!

How can they tell you what to do outside of work?

you and your girl fit the same size shirt?

IS this just an American thing? Trying to control what two consenting adults do outside of work hours?

Yes. And, like obesity, we are going to export it to the rest of the world! Look out, world, pretty soon you'll all be bloated fatties under the 24/7 control of "the man."

**** that, I'm shooting myself. Wait, I can't they banned handguns here...

They can't actually LEGALLY prohibit that especially if you are working at different locations. So if either or both of you get fired for that reason SUE SUE SUE

SimpleSimon, No worries, mate, I just send you one of mine. I won't miss it. Here everyone has dozens of unregistered and unregulated handguns. If you do decide that life is worthwhile, look out for the next big American export: it's an egregious abortion of taste, decency and art called The Jonas Brothers. When that fat turd rolls up on your shores, you will again crave the sweet release of death.