By Anonymous - 17/08/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, after running late for work, my boss called me into his office and asked me why I was wearing a uniform shirt that said Amanda. My name is Rob. Amanda is my fiancé, who works for the same organization at a different location. Employees are prohibited from dating each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 516
You deserved it 18 548

SoonFired tells us more.

SoonFired 0

Wow, my first FML post. It's actually a government organization, dating is prohibited because of "Conflict of Interest." We are close to the same size physically. We both wear the middle of road medium size. In all reality, its our last names on the shirt, but it still sucks.

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

Even when they work in different locations? Thats odd.

ckh 0

that's stupid, IMO. your workplace should have no say in your personal life, assuming your personal life doesn't interfere with your work.


Just say it's a different Amanda. Unless her last name is on it, they'll never know.

It's a work uniform. Even if it were a different Amanda, he would still be dating somebody from the same organization.

Tell him the truth. If they try to fire either of you, kick up a shit storm involving the local press. I don't know what employment law is like where you are, but I'll be very surprised if they can actually enforce any disciplinary action over this.

If you have to ware a uniform it must be a lousy job so who cares

Oh ignorance, how blissful you are. FYI, I wear a uniform to work. My job does not suck, coworkers and managers are nice, and I get a default raise after X amount of hours. Uniform =/= bad job, just like how bad job =/= uniform.

I wear a uniform in the military, and it's one that I'm proud to put on every day. Defending the country is most definitely not a job I would call "lousy".

towell777 0

i dont know if comments get any better than that

ozymandias_fml 0

FYL indeed. Maybe you could go work out and bulk up some -- if the fact that you look like a scrawny girl is the problem. Or, dump the fatty and find a skinny girlfriend, if that is the problem.

no, just no. I fit into my boyfriends tees all the time.

SoonFired 0

Wow, my first FML post. It's actually a government organization, dating is prohibited because of "Conflict of Interest." We are close to the same size physically. We both wear the middle of road medium size. In all reality, its our last names on the shirt, but it still sucks.

Bad luck :-/ You could have said you just picked it up from the cleaners, must have got swapped there. But I guess they'd find out sooner or later.

daydreambeliever 0

He didn't want to put their last names online.

And they still can't legally enforce it so you will be fine.

At Viacom, you can't date anyone who works for ANY Viacom company. That is a shit-ton of companies in different fields.

DollxFace 4

Say you have a roommate named Amanda who works at another company or its your sisters shirt.