By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, after some filing mistakes, and a lot of waiting on hold, I'm finally registered for Spring classes. I was ready to enjoy this term, until I found out that my ex, who was forced into therapy after he threatened to kill me, is in half of my classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 620
You deserved it 2 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your schedule. i am sure your add/drop hasn't ended. good luck

sweetGApeach420 0

why didnt you get a restraining order? then you wouldnt have to worry about situations like this.


Look him dead in the eyes and ask him to play hopscotch with you after class.

Hopscotch and take turns on the swings after all that fun he will forget whatever you did to make him go off his rocker :) and bring a juice box

mapleali 0

thrsti4comedy 0

Finally! Someone else who understands my pain! My girlfriend seriously thought for a sec. this could be one of my posts b/c I'm going through a very similar thing only I was switched out of the class I had with him five weeks into the first six weeks and was expected to do all the work. Needless to say, I couldn't and so now I'm killing myself trying to pass with a C. -_- I just love the justice in hs. I wish I would have taken it to court now.

that's exactly what happened to me in high school

I don't think you are going to focus on the teacher OP. switch classes!! Fyl

He can't kill you if you kill him first.

doglover100 28

I'd explain the situation to the teachers and the dean of students. Hopefully they can work something out. You can also get a restraining order on him.

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Don't let one asshole prevent you from doing what you wanna do. I would avoid him if possible but stay in the class.