By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, after some filing mistakes, and a lot of waiting on hold, I'm finally registered for Spring classes. I was ready to enjoy this term, until I found out that my ex, who was forced into therapy after he threatened to kill me, is in half of my classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 620
You deserved it 2 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your schedule. i am sure your add/drop hasn't ended. good luck

sweetGApeach420 0

why didnt you get a restraining order? then you wouldnt have to worry about situations like this.


DakotaCat 4

You better pray that Mr Groundhog don't see no shadow!

stewpididiot 11

time to hop on over to Walmart and buy a large caliber semi- automatic handgun & some bullets....

mel0432 0

my ex is a professor at the university where I want to go to grad school. if I want to go back for my MA, I HAVE to take his class.

mintcar 9

It's not easy to switch around your schedule, especially if you're signing up this late. You're lucky to even have gotten the classes that you did. I dont know what to tell you. Unless you have some sort of restraining order against him, he's allowed to be there. Let's just hope your classes are in very large lecture halls.

I like your new profile pic! BTW, I always enjoy reading your comments. They are well written without sounding condescending like some self proclaimed professionals who frequent this site. :D

SeedlessMe 13

Hah! Eff that- get a restraining order and make that prick change His classes!

TOL_fml 6

This will be interesting...tell us how the classes go. That's IF you make it out alive;)