By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, after some filing mistakes, and a lot of waiting on hold, I'm finally registered for Spring classes. I was ready to enjoy this term, until I found out that my ex, who was forced into therapy after he threatened to kill me, is in half of my classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 620
You deserved it 2 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your schedule. i am sure your add/drop hasn't ended. good luck

sweetGApeach420 0

why didnt you get a restraining order? then you wouldnt have to worry about situations like this.


if someone tries to kill you; you kill them right back.

well what if the ex manages to do the job? u cant kill a bitch from the grave...

if the ex kills her first, then nothing to worry about? win/win

FuggyLuggy 0

Get him first before he gets you.

perdix 29

If he's only in half your classes, it looks like you have a 50:50 chance of surviving the term. Think positive!

that's what I was thinking. I've seen a ton of FML's that read. "my stalker is in all of my classes"

talktomandybaby 8


Dibman 3

#18 You are sick dude and seriously you are not funny. I would love to see your face when a crazy person fixates on you and decides your death is the only way ahead.

Dibman 3

I agree with everyone who says that restraining orders are the way ahead and #11 your right too, if he was forced into therapy coz of this then it won't be that difficult to have him removed from your classes. So dont panic and just let the school do what they can to help and if that fails get the restraining order. #11 Its not a YDI as in stressful situations such as this these things can easily be forgotten.

ACSjr 0

well if u can't drop any classes just be friendly and make a lot new friends in does classes

I agree, get a restraining order. He is the offender, he should have to adjust his life to stay away from you not the other way around. Stay strong.

@22: Be friendly to the guy who threatened to kill her?! Seriously?! It's not unfriendly to try and protect herself! What is wrong with you?

no, be friendly to everyone else in the class, so they are surrounded by a "safety net".

This should be brought to the attention of authorities. You are in great peril.