By racking-leaves - 14/11/2012 19:55 - United States

Today, after spending three hours raking leaves, I went to the store to get some supplies. I came back to find my neighbor had decided to blow his leaves all over my yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 830
You deserved it 1 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rake them over to his house. Better yet, steal his leafblower and blow them back over there.


Razi_tail 25

That's why we just mulch the leaves in our yard this time of year. Mowing is much faster and easier!

Your neighbor should leaf your yard alone.

Next time don't rake leaves and maybe the wind will blow them into his yard.

Hehe... Gather up some leaves, get some dog poop, put them all in a brown paper bag then light it on fire leaving it at his doorstep! Ring the bell and run! Even better if you record it from afar for the luls.

winkydog4056 16

OP needs to go thank his neighbor for the ********

well then, guess where your new garbage can is! (;

...Am I the only one who read 'blow his leaves' as something else?