By racking-leaves - 14/11/2012 19:55 - United States

Today, after spending three hours raking leaves, I went to the store to get some supplies. I came back to find my neighbor had decided to blow his leaves all over my yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 830
You deserved it 1 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rake them over to his house. Better yet, steal his leafblower and blow them back over there.


Why wouldnt you purchase raking supplies before raking?

ricrindi 4

Blow them back and stand up for yourself instead of feeling sorry about it.

Take a dump in his yard. Problem solved.

Bagg em. Put glue in the bag, throw at house. Repeat until we'll coated.

ninjacow123 6

Rip out his intestines and wear it as a scarf.

I read supplies as nipples. What has the internet done to me.