By racking-leaves - 14/11/2012 19:55 - United States

Today, after spending three hours raking leaves, I went to the store to get some supplies. I came back to find my neighbor had decided to blow his leaves all over my yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 830
You deserved it 1 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rake them over to his house. Better yet, steal his leafblower and blow them back over there.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like you need a blower. And another lesson is always have your supplies together before you start a job.

The supplies could be for a different job. Not much is needed when raking leaves

doglover100 28
olpally 32

Just rake them all up and put them in a garbage can, then ring his doorbell and dump them on his front porch in front of him and just walk away like a boss... It'd be worth it.

Raking leaves is much easier than shoveling snow. Ugh. My back aches just thinking about it. And snow is real pretty until traffic turns it to a muddy grey. Not to mention the horrendous traffic and driving conditions it creates. And it sucks to walk through. Cold wet socks and pants that turn your legs and feet red with the chill are not fun. I've grown to hate snow. And that's why I hang my hat in Florida.

Throw a rock through his window at night :) a big one. Wearing gloves. And not your address rock either.

And HOLY SHIT! FOUR FEET! Trust me guys, you do NOT want four ******* feet of snow in your yard. Four feet is too much even for people who LOVE snow.

did you ever stop to think how much it costed him to do that? gas is expensive!

Catch a skunk, put it under a box on his porch. When he picks up the box revenge is yours.