By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 20:49 - Germany - Stuttgart

Today, after taking my crush to the train station late at night, I sat in a local park alone with my thoughts for a while. Two cops appeared out of nowhere and started searching me for drugs and weapons, asking me questions for a good 30 minutes. Not the kind of action I expected tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 312
You deserved it 2 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shame on you for having a valid reason to be out at night.


They were only following protocols so I guess it's bad luck it had to be you. .hope you get some good action tonight :)

What kind of action were you expecting from a "crush" at a train station?

a hug or a kiss goodbye, maybe? get your head out of the gutter! :P

I'm just glad it was police that found you. It was bad what happened but at least you weren't physically hurt. In my area you definitely avoid parks at night

Try replace "taking" with stalking and "to" with at. ;)

CharlesEmersonW 31

Not all of us share your hobbies :)) ^^

I'm offended and feel a cop lol... annoying cops always judging people and never go after the bad ones

Ugh that's so awful of them. That sucks. On the upside you have an interesting story to tell your crush!

Is it legal in Germany to conduct a search without an order? Even in Russia policeman aren't allowed to search you or your bags if you are not arrested for doing something illegal.

No, in Russia, bags search cops. ( sorry it's 3am)

obliviongillette 18

Happens to me every time I walk into an airport.

merryhappy1887 20

That's so illegal. Step one, verbally state you do not consent to a search. Step 2, answer no questions and request a lawyer. If you got a good lawyer you could sue the police department, though I'm doubtful it would get you far at this point.

Sportey 9

That's what conceded assholes do sue the police when they have a slight chance of winning.