By Jess49 - 03/12/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, after telling my boyfriend I was willing to try just about anything to revive our sex life, he confessed to having a swirly fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 406
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacovender 7

Nothing like dipping your head in a dirty toilet during sex!

And...that's when you wish life had an undo button.


cgrannes 0

That's gross but lucky him for your willingness

He ain't right n the head. Time to move on to a man and not a boy

It could be much worse, people are into all kinds of terrifying things. Just make sure you sterilize the toilet first.

Do a double decker then when u go to flush with his head in the bowl he gets a mouthful of crap... Then dump him

Is your boyfriend's name Kintaro Oe, by any chance?