By Jess49 - 03/12/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, after telling my boyfriend I was willing to try just about anything to revive our sex life, he confessed to having a swirly fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 406
You deserved it 4 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tacovender 7

Nothing like dipping your head in a dirty toilet during sex!

And...that's when you wish life had an undo button.


PinkFun1969 9

Just have a glove on, the things we have to do to please our men so they do not stray.

Your boyfriend gets off on being a bully. Maybe he likes being in a position of power. Why don't you suggest letting him be in control by putting you in feathery handcuffs?

zecagle 0

Hey! At least he doesn't have a fire fetish, because trust me there are quite a few problems that arise from that....I know from experience.

jobsman99 0

Maybe he wants you to get on top while having sex and spin around? Maybe he wants to slam his hard c*ck down your throat while you make flushing sounds? Maybe you can find a recording of swirly action, he can wear headphones and listen to it while you have sex. There are some possibilities here.

davek 36

To quote Meatloaf "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that."

I'm confused as to who's the subject of the "swirly" -- is it her doing him or him doing it to her? I'd imagine the prior as it sounds like humiliation fantasy.

onikage_666 0

It's not a big deal OP, just because it's not one of the more common fetishes doesn't mean its any worse, you're lucky he's not trying to dress you up as an animal or trying to pee on you.

It could be a gang facial from the entire football wait, that's my fetish.

Tell him that, strangely enough, you have the same fetish... I have a feeling he may be messing with you o.p