By Anonymous - 05/02/2013 06:40 - United States - Northbrook

Today, after trying to convince my girlfriend to have sex for almost 16 months, she finally said yes. I couldn't get it up the second she said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 149
You deserved it 39 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vadaaa 11

Why did you try to convince your girlfriend for sex for 16 months? Didn't it dawn on you after the first attempt that no means no and she will when she is ready to?


man then just please her with your hands

perdix 29

That's way too long to wait. You should have dumped her after six celibate months (maybe less) and found a girl with a similar interest in sex. It's something you've been wanting for over a year and the fact that she's been frustrating you that whole time means you two are not compatible.

CelticMarine 3

Are you serious? What is wrong with wanting to wait to have sex? Given that most teen/20s relationships only last between 3-9 months and people are usually active for 10+ years before marriage, you would be looking at an average of between 13-40 sexual partners before marriage, minus 1 night stands

I agree with perdix on the last part. The fact that he's tried this long to convince her means they've been in this relationship for very different reasons, and probably aren't compatible. While OP has obviously been a raging horndog the entire time and isn't willing to consent to her wishes and make a commitment, then they probably arent right for each other. There's also the possibility that perdix is, as usual, not being serious.

perdix 29

#33, the problem is she wanted to wait and he didn't. If he was OK with waiting, that would be a different story, but he has been asking, begging, badgering, groveling, pursuading and pressuring her for 16 months, so he obviously was unhappy about waiting. Couples need to have similar (not necessarily exactly the same, but similar) values if they are going to succeed in the long run.

maimengming 10

Does anyone else think 33's estimate of forty parters (without one night stands) is a little ridiculous, or am I just extremely innocent?

perdix 29

#67, you may be a little innocent. If someone can't or doesn't want to get into a long-term relationship while they are single, they could rack up numbers like that (I don't know why one-night stands don't count.) The high number may be reasonable, but the low number should probably be lower.

RedPillSucks 31

Both. 13 to 40 is a wide range. The discussion should be centered around the average. Who knows what the whole std dev is for this stuff.

maimengming 10

That's why I was asking. It was an honest question. I could understand forty with one night stands, but without just seems like a lot, to me at least. And thirteen to forty is a very large gap.

98 - it seems a bit crazy until you sit down and work out the math at 27 I counted the other day after reading an article about averages and well I was kinda shocked after I figured up my own numbers and I have only been active since 21... I think the numbers shown are well within reason some people will be much higher some will have 0... I wound up a little above what is supposed to be average for my age group, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

maimengming 10

123- I just think it sounds ridiculous because he said without one night stands. Like I said, I'm probably just innocent and naive, but forty also sounds like a lot of relationships to me.

THANK YOU!!! Someone said it eloquently before I said it crudely. Very nicely put. I am kinda aghast at how many people think he honestly deserved to be ignored for over a year though, that's not even human. Good on him for sticking it out for sixteen months, in my opinion.

I just get a kick out of everyone trying to assign blame to this one way or the other there is simply not enough information... Personally I am more than happy to wait a few months but if you're that insecure or unsure about sex then you shouldn't be with a person who is or wants to be sexually active.

CelticMarine 3

My math was based on a 10 year fasting history : if you stay in a relationship for 9 months on average and sleep with each, over 10 years that would be 13 partners. If your relationships tend to last 3 months, divide the 120 months of a 10 year time frame by 3 and get 40 partners.

CelticMarine 3

And 133 I didn't include 1 night stands because I really don't know how often people do that. They certainly count in the grand scheme of things but I couldn't use a basic formula to calculate it. I assume guys have more, but I have some slutty chick friends so who know.

maimengming 10

Actually, I looked it up. Each article I found said that 7 to 9 partners is *average* for men before marriage, and for women it's 4 to 5. I would hope relationships last more then three to nine months, especially as an adult. I'm in my senior year in high school and have seen many relationships last much longer, including my own.

Maybe if you trying to seduce her as opposed to trying to convince her to have sex with you, there would be no reason for this FML. You totally deserve it.

Don't worry, it happens to all guys at some point. You'll get her next ti... Oh, who am I kidding. It doesn't happen to all guys, just you. You're just inadequate. You should just give up and become a priest. That's the only hope you have left, you poor bastard.

Hahaha this happen to me my first time except I didn't have to convince her. It's just nerves my man make it more sensual next time and let it happen on its own. the chick I'm with now doesn't want to and I just push her boundaries little by little but never crossing them.

Pushing her boundaries against her known wishes makes you an ass. Crossing them can make you a felon. Just something to consider.

zombieslayer83 19

What if she secretly wants to be pushed? I have been with girls that loved to have there boundaries pushed. To help give themselves the courage they needed!

SmittyJA24 26

16 months? I'd have dumped a gal within 16 days without sex.

Probably would have just left if you called her a "gal"

perdix 29

#34, that might be a bit too short a deadline -- you might be missing out on some high-quality 'tang with such a requirement. I know old guys like us want to get things going before the reaper comes gets us, but you gotta have a little patience.

16 days? Are you enjoying living in your parents basement?

perdix 29

#62, he's probably banged a long train of skanks down there, so I'm guessing yes!

RedPillSucks 31

Come on baby (Don't fear the reaper) Baby take my hand (Don't fear the reaper) We'll be able to fly (Don't fear the reaper) Baby I'm your man

I wonder if his Mom takes the Meatloaf down there or if he has to get it himself. Hmm.....I wonder?

Epikouros 31

Oh well, maybe you'll do better in June 2014. At least the weather will be warmer.

Karma? Sex is something that is supposed to happen. You psyched yourself out and got all excited. Just go with the flow, and if this is your first time it will most likely be over before you know it.

bott_fml 4

You deserve it for trying to convince her to have sex with you.