By Anonymous - 05/02/2013 06:40 - United States - Northbrook

Today, after trying to convince my girlfriend to have sex for almost 16 months, she finally said yes. I couldn't get it up the second she said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 146
You deserved it 39 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vadaaa 11

Why did you try to convince your girlfriend for sex for 16 months? Didn't it dawn on you after the first attempt that no means no and she will when she is ready to?


If you're not having sex, she's not your girlfriend, she's a friend you buy meals for.

And if they put out on the first date then they are a '*****' right? It is very hard too please people like you isn't it....

Now here in exhibit B, we have a classic example of a ********.

It was meant as a joke, as a reference to an episode of New Girl, I assumed people were more familiar with it, I guess. My first girlfriend? Heck, we didn't even kiss for a week. She was 17, and I was her first kiss, or whatever, so yeah, she was very prudish. I'm not a ********, fellas.

Then I'm sorry for jumping at you like that... I have honestly never heard of New Girl.

Just cause she made you wait a whole week and she was 17 doesn't make her a prude.

Heard of it but I'd rather watch Twili.....wait no I wouldn't.

Are you kidding me? I knew there were assholes in the world, but the numbers just keep growing apparently. You'd think people could be a little more respectful in life. It's not all about YOUR wishes, or your dick's wishes. Other people's wants are important, too. Respect that.

We knew each other for quite a while before we put a lable on it, sorry if that wasn't clear.

Of course it wouldn't be clear, considering you never mentioned it...

Well, that had to be embarrassing. Better luck next time mate.

Significant shrinkage? You may need to see a shrink.

I don't understand why are so many people going all YDI on OP. There was nothing in the FML about 'forcing' the girl, just 'convincing'. There are actually girls that really aren't fair about it. My boyfriend's ex was like that. They'd been together for some 2 years, I believe, and she wouldn't have sex with him. She would offer him a sleepover, but on a condition that he would be sleeping in a guestroom, not even in the same room as her, as if he would rape her in her sleep. He's the sweetest, most delicate guy, open when it comes to having fun and a great lover. He respected her attitude, although he was trying to convince her from time to time, and that's, I guess, perfectly normal - we all have our needs. Once they broke up and, after some time, we got together, she started to write him about how she still loves him and how she would have sex with him now if he got back to her. Now, I'm not saying OP's girlfriend is like that, I also don't know what age they are, I would assume they're teenagers, given the context, so it may not be such a bad idea to wait, it's all up to them. However, it seems that OP was respecting his girlfrieng's decision - he waited until she said yes, and I guess he wouldn't react that way if he was cheating on her, after all - so how exactly did he deserve the situation? I have read numerous comments on FML about how you should communicate in a relationship - what is exactly wrong with communicating the need to have sex? Are girls the only ones who are allowed to communicate their needs? FYL, OP, I hope you'll have fun with your girlfriend. Whether you should be with her while you have so different temperaments is a different matter, and it's totally up to both of you. I hope that once you start having sex you'll discover you're actually quite a match in that area.

RedPillSucks 31

If she believes in abstinence before marriage then him trying to convince her to have sex is just wrong. Better to move on to someone else if you're not willing to wait.

I guess OP showed he is willing to wait - if he wasn't, he'd have dumped her or cheated on her a long time ago. Also, we don't know if her reasons are ideological/religious - she might just want to wait till she's ready, especially since there is a huge chance they are teenagers, in my opinion. And it's fine, as long as OP is fine with it. Then, it's also fine for OP to try to convince her. And even if her reasons are 'religious' - well, see my post above. The ex was also using religious reasons. Of course, once again, OP's girlfriend might be truly religious and willing to wait till marriage... Except, she finally agreed, so I guess not.

Play some music in the background and do lots of foreplay. She will never notice your lack of erection

stormstarcj 12

dump her. its going to become a problem later.