By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 06:47 - United States

Today, after weeks of thinking and playing every outcome possible in my head, I told my parents I'm gay. My dad nodded and didn't even look up from his book; my mom told me to go to the doctor if it starts to itch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 212
You deserved it 9 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xavi89 0

hahah I guess they already knew!

they could have taken it so much worse. while not exactly supportive, they didn't scream at you to leave, either. be grateful you were able to get it off your chest, and congrats!


Paramorefan2 1

#11, if you do really love your doodle, doesn't that make you kinda gay?

chocolatechocha 8

I might've shrugged. it's kind of a good sign. why do u feel it's something that deserves a big convo. there's so many homosexuals nowadays some ppl are just immune to the news

Ohnocurly 0

It seems odd to me that OP is upset with the reaction too. Did OP want a big argument? If so, is OP really gay, or just trying to rebel and cry out for attention??

iluvchanman 0

i think he's just upset that this was a conversation he had been preparing for weeks, and no doubt, thinking about for much longer. when he told his parents, he was expecting a reaction, but instead, his family didn't even seem to notice that it was a big revelation on OPs part... I would be upset too.

Haha, @ your Mum's reaction :o but that kinda sucks.

So? who gives a shit my dad is gay and I don't care? If you are Happy then that's what counts.

crazimami 0

They probably already had an idea, and they don't care. Be glad you got it off your chest and you can be yourself. And don't listen to these asshats on here talking shit, because guess what - the people who "hate gays" the most are closet gays themselves.

I don't see the problem. They accepted the news, they didn't try to kick you out or tell you that it's wrong. Yes, it was a subdued acceptance, but they might have figured it out a while ago, or they might be trying to be supportive but not over do it. Basically it doesn't matter to them if you are gay or not.

iluvchanman 0

I get your point, and I agree that the lack of a fight was a good thing, but I think the problem IS that his parents don't seem to care. OP was expecting a big reaction, but his parents basically just wrote him off.

I don't think anyone understands. His parents were listening. TOP spent hours imagining their reaction and they didn't pay attention. Or care enough to discuss it.

What's to discuss? He made a statement about who he is, he didn't ask to discuss a choice of his.

bh0p 0

where is the FML? This looks like something off a TV show lol, but seriously they didn't freak out and you know what to do when it itches! :D