By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 05:52 - United States

Today, after work, I came home to my boyfriend sleeping on the couch. Feeling romantic, I started to undo his pants. My reward was him waking up and kneeing me in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 862
You deserved it 27 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Undoing someones pants while they're asleep isn't romantic. He's a guy you could have just woken him up and told him you were horny.

It was a knee-jerk reaction. It happens to the best of us.


therealsuperman 0

You should win an award for being the most thoughtful girlfriend. you didn't deserve to take a blow to the face for trying to help him sleep well.

justnbieber 0

you werent feeling romantic, you were hornyyy.

That is what you get for doing it while he is asleep. Yeah I am sure that would have been a pleasant way to wake up but obviously it didn't work that way for him. Next time whisper in his ear and wake him up. Lesson learned. YDI

deidre823 7

That's why you don't do that...

A for effort OP, you can't beat head first thing after waking up. That is unless you literally beat head...

yaya1213 6

that's what happens when you do it when he's asleep ydi

Bob31_fml 4

you've confused "romantic" with "horny"